CCC aspiring councillor for Southerton constituency Ward 13 Fungai Chiposi says his primary focus is to get the party leader Nelson Chamisa into office.
Chiposi took to social media to share his manifesto:
First and foremost, I shall follow all CCC directives and shun corrupt activities in the execution of my duties, if elected Councillor.
1.1 I will target the following roads for re-tarring and lighting, after consultation with residents:
1.11 Fleming Road in Southerton
1.12 Nyashanu Road in Rugare
1.13 Rukudzo Road in Kambuzuma
1.14 Cedar Avenue in Lochinvar
1.2 Revamp the shopping areas in Southerton, Rugare and Kambuzuma Section 2, to attract better retailers and businesses.
1.3 Lobby for a secondary school to be built in Ward 13.
1.4 Southerton is experiencing serious burst pipes in the old section. There is a need to change all pipes in the area.
1.5 Kambuzuma Section 2 has no running water, and the issue needs to be resolved.
1.6 Rugare has a sewer pipes problem that also needs attention.
2.1 Initiate training and capacitation programs that will enable at least 400 youths to secure gainful employment. Programs will also involve mentorship and internship.
2.2 Introduce public WiFi spot in Rugare, Southerton, Lochinvar and Kambuzuma Section 2.
3.1 Introduce computer learning and programming lessons.
3.2 Encourage mind games like chess.
3.3 Support school sporting activities.
3.4 Start Ward 13 Inter-Schools events.
We will compile a database of the elderly who need assistance and the marginalised. We will work closely with willing NGOs to ensure medications, treatments and other assistance are availed regularly for their good welfare.
5.1 We will work closely with the ladies currently keeping Rugare clean to expand their model to all of Ward 13 and clear dumpsites.
5.2 We will work with residents to come up with separation of waste at source and support recycling initiatives in or near Ward 13.
5.3 We will roll out a fruit tree planting project across the Ward to provide shade and fruit.
*6. OTHER*
With the consultation and approval of residents and existing associations, we will convert Residents Associations to Development Associations with bank accounts and skilled members to execute, monitor and evaluate projects and CDF in Ward 13. We will not leave any area in the Ward in consultations and development, including Single Quarters and GMB residences.
I am making this brief manifesto public so that the other candidates can see it too and be motivated to execute one or two of the items here if voted into office. I will be willing to assist.
I am making this brief manifesto available so that residents can see it and be motivated to push any successful candidate to execute some of the ideas here.
My primary focus is that we get President Nelson Chamisa into office in 2023. My secondary focus is a better Southerton Constituency for us all.
I am sharing with you so that you also share with friends and family so that all of us begin to have a broad view and mission for our home, Ward 13.
I do not have to be a Councillor to bring change. However, as Ward 13 Councillor, I believe we will achieve more together and help President Chamisa take our country to a better, more inclusive and prosperous future.
Thank you.
*CHIPOSI Fungai*
Ward 13, Southerton Constituency
WhatsApp – wa.me/263772867300