WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe Media looks at the speech by CCC President, Nelson Chamisa, which he delivered at Zimbabwe grounds.
The speech lasted about 1 hour and 15 minutes.
The rally was at Zimbabwe Grounds in Highfields. The rally was addressed entirely in Shona Language and was attended by between 5000 to 7000 people
Key Points from the speech
Chamisa said:
1. This rally is being held at the Zimbabwe Grounds, similar to the Zimbabwe independence celebration in 1980.
2. There are less than 470 days before the General Elections and 35 days before the Bye Elections.
3. You can capture the leaders but you can not capture the people.
4. Chamisa introduce Richard Tsvangirai.
5. Everyone is welcome in the CCC
6. Chamisa called former ZANU-PF leader Godfrey Tsenengamu to the stage.
7. Tsenengamu mocked Mnangagwa and called him Baba va two and said he is ED is overrated.
8. CCC is a new political party with new slogans, values, ideology and symbols
9. Salaries for civil servants will be increased and will be in USD under his government.
10. We represented War Veterans for free.
11. Amos Chibaya is committed and is not like other leaders who are not clear where they stand.
12. CCC means Chimurenga Chezimbabwe Chechina – I unreservedly agree with the land reform program. That was the last Chimurenga.
13. We will never allow an election that is rigged. If elections are rigged in 2023, Chamisa will lead from the front.
14. When he gets into office, Western countries will pour money into Zimbabwe.
15. There will be no more human rights abuses under his government.
16. He was listening to ED speaking in Epworth, where Mnangagwa said he would not get to State House, Chamisa said he will get in whether ED wants it or not.
17. Power has already shifted, Chamisa said he is now focused on how he will be declared and inaugurated.
18. His party failed in councils because procurement , water and foreign currency is managed by the central government.
19. The new leadership of CCC is not the same as the leadership of the old MDC-A. The leaders will be voted by the members.
21. Old MDC-A Leaders should not be afraid, they will be accommodated.
22. Those who left MDC-A and decide to come back will come back as ordinary members. No one is prevented from coming back to the party.
24. Going forward, candidates will be selected by citizens.
25. Allies in the government advised Chamisa that elections will be rigged using the voters roll. He commissioned the experts who analyzed the voters roll.
26. If the issues in the voters roll are not addressed, the first remedy will be to go to the courts, if that fails then there will be mass action.
27. Chamisa said he will not return to court if the elections are rigged.
28. Chamisa said ZANU-PF almost killed him in Mutare and Masvingo.
30. Chamisa ended by revealing the MP candidates. All of them old candidates.
31. Chamisa’s wife, Biti, Sikhala and Kore addressed the crowd briefly.
32. Next rallies will be Bulawayo, Gweru, Masvingo.
1. Chamisa continues to appeal to younger voters
2. Chamisa’ s message is easy to sell in Zimbabwe
3. Mwonzora has proven to be lazy
1. The leadership team is very weak and undefined.
2. The party lacks grassroots structures.
3. Lack of a coalition
1. Chamisa is trying to develop a narrative that will attract a wide cross section of Zimbabweans. CCC will have Chamisa at the center.
2. Teachers, soldiers will be the foundation of Chamisa’s campaign
3. The next biggest challenge for Chamisa is the constitution and formation of a leadership team.
5. Chamisa will now turn his attention to the rural as his message is well received in the towns.
6. The message has moved from no elections no reforms to register to vote.
7. Dialogue and unity was missing from Chamisa’s speech.