WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe Media looks at the best selling Mnangagwa biography, A Life of Struggle.
The book was written by veteran politician, Eddie Cross and covers the most important man in the History of Zimbabwean politics, ED Mnangangwa from his early days in Zambia, Egypt, China, Tanzania and Zimbabwe.
The book costs USD$40 and was produced and directed by Rachel Jambaya ( former Zimbabwe Deputy finance Minister Terence Mukupe’s wife). Eddie Cross revealed in an interview with Trevor Ncube that he was paid a fee to write the book.
The book is now a best seller with over 150 000 books sold on the day of its launch.
Key Points for discussion
Introduction- Most important book in Zimbabwe (Politics, Government and Mnangagwa)
– Cost of the book – $40
– Size of the book
– Sales of the book
– Key stakeholders in the writing of the book.
– Key facts in the book ( Mnangagwa parents, early life, Masvingo train bombing, Tsholotsho, Operation restore legacy).
Conclusion – Eddie Cross’s role in Zimbabwe politics and government.
Please watch the video above this post for more details.