WATCH as Gambakwe had a discussion with Prophet Advocate Joshua about his prophecy issued in 2020 in which he said Zimbabwe will have a new Vice President.
Please read the full conversation below:
Today I’m joined by Prophet advocate Joshua, how are you Prophet?
PAJ (April 2020)
I saw another vice president. Why that man is going to rise to the position of Vice President, I don’t know, let me not say a man. It could be a woman. The Spirit of the Lord knows. But this is going to be talked about, this is going to be the vice president who’s going to be talked about the most, more than any other vice president in Zimbabwe. So there’s a rise right now when you look at that person they’re already in office in their own spirit. But they have not yet assumed that office in the physical, but there are events that should precede that person’s occupation of that particular office. So pray that the Lord blesses you with understanding of this world.
When was this prophecy issued?
If my reckoning is correct, it’s 2019 prophecy. But the Lord had given us the revelation that there was going to be some sort of mishap that was going to lead to the removal of one of the vice presidents and therefore paving way for the coming in, of a new vice president, and this is the reason why we have that particular prophetic message, which we then issued out to the world.
Okay. Can you tell us more about this new vice president who’s going to be coming.
What we need to pray for as the body of Christ, is that the appointment will be inspired on the Holy Spirit. But um, basically, according to what God showed us, there is going to be an appointment which is to occur. The gender of the actual individual, the Lord didn’t reveal. But what needs to be prayed for, is that that particular appointment will be something that the Holy Spirit himself sanctions because if that appointment is not done in accordance to one the Holy Spirit’s sanctions, then the VP would cause havoc. Worse than any other leader that we have seen before in Zimbabwe. As a matter of fact, this particular vice president will carry with them a special anointing that is going to be upon their life such that if they are prayed for properly, they can, in actual fact rise to the position of presidency and become one of the most celebrated leaders that we have had in the country. The reason why Zimbabwe has to pray concerning that particular vice president, is because if they don’t pray, Then there’s going to be a wrong appointment of that particular vice president and the right one is not appointed, so thus saith the Lord, we have to pray for that appointment because if they appoint the wrong person, then there will be a lot of havoc, there’ll be a lot of skirmishes coming out of the appointment, but if we pray, then the right person is going to be in that position of authority and they’re going to be so celebrated and elevated to such a point that they can easily even get to the point of becoming the number one in Zimbabwe and that’s very important and crucial because you see a lot of times, appointments are made without the Spirit of God and when that happens, we faced a lot of challenges in, in saying well we detest this leader, this is not the right leader because he makes the wrong decisions on account of them not being the Lord’s favorite, but I’m saying that there is this appointment which must be done which has already been declared, and therefore the world, Zimbabwe has actually to pray so that our leaders do not make the wrong decision in that actual appointment itself, we needed to be guided by the Spirit of God.
Okay, you also issued a prophecy last year. And you said the current vice president is going to leave office within one year, and seven months. We are almost seven months away from that time. Are you still praying for that prophecy, or is that still going to be fulfilled.
No, I’m, I’m actually still praying concerning that prophetic message, but um, you see, the reason why we issue prophetic messages is not just to ensure that it’s fulfilled really, but also that the bearer, or the listener or the receiver also prays, so I’m still praying about it, and I’m still imploring the, the relevant VP, to continue praying because, As far as I’m concerned, unless if my reckorning is wrong, we are yet to reach the one year and seven months.
We are six months from the time when you said the current VP is going to be out of office. Are these events related?
These are two different and distinct events and prophetic messages. From the stance from which I saw the events themselves, how they eat, if God ensures that the two events coincide, but in the manner in which I saw the events they were particularly different and distinct from each other.
Okay, perfect. I don’t want to keep you longer. Is there anything else you want to say before we close.
Well, in my concluding remark, I would like to remind each and every follower of Gambakwe , that there is nothing that happens without a prophetic word, so what actually precedes events, Is the prophetic. Nothing happens without the prophetic. Having actually pronounced that event.
Prophet advocate Joshua. Your number is on the screen. All those want contact you can WhatsApp you on that number, and then they can set an appointment to talk to you. Thank you very much profit for joining me again this weekend. We’ll see you again very very soon.
Thank you.
Please watch the video above this post for more details.Â