Businessmen Sir Wicknell Chivayo has reconciled with his wife after faking their separation and using the bleach scandal.

Social media rumours suggest that Wicknell and Sonja created a scene so he would not have to buy her a GLE Merc Benz.

Zimbolive reports that Many of Sonja & Sir Wicknell’s friends were expecting to see Sonja get the GLE but because Sir Wicknell is now financialy thin and cant afford to buy her the car they created a scandal so he would not embarrass himself and Sonja.

People close to the couple had been told for month that she would get a GLE for her birthday but when Sir Wicknell realized he would not be able to buy the car they created a scandal. See the video below.

Meanwhile, Wicknell posted a number of pictures yesterday wishing her wife a happy birthday.