An unidentified woman on social media has allegedly came to light saying she took care of Souljah Love At his tender age.

In a video on social media, the woman said she took Souljah in after the passing of his grandmother who took care of him.

“Zvekunzi Sauro anga asina pekugara vakarimwana ekuMbare inhau yekuti kana mhunu ari artist pane zvirikudiwa mu art”, she added.

She further added that while she was away working in South Africa Souljah Love was sharing the rent money with his other brother.

Adding, the woman said Souljah Love was never chased away from his home, Roki can testify.

“Roki anenge achigara naye kumba”, she said.

Moreover she added that people mistook what he did for work and concluded that it was a reflection of his upbringing and experiences.