Today Tari breaks down the reasons why most Zimbabweans who move to Canada get a shock of their life!
1. Low Salaries and low end jobs
Tari explains that most Zimbabweans who get to Canada struggle to get the job that is in line with their qualifications because the don’t have Canadian experience. Most end up as cleaners and cooks or working in a warehouse!
2 High Cost Of Living
While the minimum wage in Canada is around $1800 a month, rent is about $1000 for a room! This is before you take into account transport, food and other expenses. Most Zimbabweans In Canada are basically struggling.
3. Loneliness
There are very few Africans in Canada and if you are a social butterfly you will struggle. If you are looking for someone to marry, you will struggle.
4. It’s Very Cold
Canada is a very cold country, and the temperatures can get as low as as – 20 degrees.
Please watch the video above this post for more details.Â