MDC Alliance President, Nelson Chamisa has once again begged Mnangagwa for a face to face meeting to discuss solutions to Zimbabwe’s problems.

Speaking to the Daily news, Jameson Timba revealed that Chamisa is no longer a pre-condition for dialogue but an agenda item.

  • This represents a massive climb down for Chamisa, who previously rejected any dialogue before the resolution of the legitimacy question. Timba is now saying the legitimacy crisis is not between Mnangagwa and Chamisa but from all previous elections.
  • Chamisa has not abandoned the call for a National Transitional Authority.
  • Chamisa has also dropped demands for an independent facilitator and now says he wants to hold talks with Mnangagwa directly.
  • Chamisa has also agreed that Mnangagwa is the President of the country and it is him who is responsible for calling for dialogue.
  • Chamisa is also opening the discussion to civic organisations ( Everyone who has an interest in the country). However, he says Chamisa and Mnangagwa must sit down together first before the dialogue is broadened.
  • Chamisa said dialogue with Mwonzora will not solve the country’s problems.


  • Chamisa is now ready for dialogue and is willing to recognize Mnangagwa as Zimbabwe President, People around Chamisa are also realizing that Chamisa is not the only Stakeholder in the Zimbabwe crisis.
  • Dialogue is necessary in Zimbabwe however, the fractured opposition needs a dialogue first. Mnangagwa will not move from the position of POLAD being the only platform available for dialogue and Chamisa needs to realize that this will not change.
  • Chamisa believes that Westerners will only accept him as the true opposition in Zimbabwe. In the long run, this is the wrong approach because what is needed is for Chamisa to get into the system, instead of working out of it.
  • What is required now is for Chamisa to publicly drop his conditions when he makes his statement on February 21 and announce that he accepts POLAD as a dialogue platform.

Please watch the LIVE video above this post for more details.