Drewmas Media reports that Christopher Magwaza, a 17 year old Boy from Harare, died after he had a misunderstanding with a lady of the night (Rati) whom he failed to pay for her services over 2 months ago.

This week, Christopher became very sick and died before traditional healers who had been called to assit had started working on him.

Christopher started to urinate large quantities of urine ( 20 litres) for over two months.

Rati (36) is an older woman with three children and she is a lady of the night in Glendale.

Neighbors who were interviewed by Drewmas said Christopher had failed to pay US$20.

The family of Christopher paid the US$20 to Rati this week after Christopher fell sick and Rati asked them to place the money on the ground and not hand it to her. After she took the money, she agreed to go with the family to their home, but Christopher died before she arrived.

Local Residence said they will report the case to Chief Negomo to address the issue with the ladies of the night.

Another man who previously refused to pay  a Prostitute at the Centre could not find his manhood after the incident and he was ferried to Harare by his relatives.

The prostitutes are reportedly not from the local area and locals want them to leave.