Dan has only worked one job in his entire life ( At a local grocery store). However, he is a world famous entrepreneur who works and makes millions from Home.

Dan says there are three types of career paths:

  1. Manual Labor – Labor for Money, you need to be physically present such as being a waiter. There are many people who can do you do.
  2. Skilled Labor – Skill for Money – You just need a laptop for example architect or graphic design. You use your brain vs. Manual labor
  3. Work from home – Think global and not local. You need to serve people who are anywhere in the world.

Sometimes your local area might be going through a transition, if you serve a global market you will have a stable income.

You need to be results driven, unlike a normal job where you just need to clock in and clock out. People will look at your work and not your qualifications. You need to have an ability to deliver results, clients will then seek you out.


Have a conversation with your family. Have boundaries with your kids and say to them this is the work office and make everyone know that this is the work area.