Watch Prophet B Chiza of Eagle Life Ministries deliver a word that God has instructed to give to President Emerson Mnangagwa and his vice Presidents Mohadi and Chiwengaca timeline as he downloaded it from heaven.
Prophet Chiza said Mnangagwa has only 2019 to sort out the mess that he and his deputies have caused in Zimbabwe. The man if God said these three man need to give their life to Christ before they can rule anyone.
He said God has told him that it is a pre requisite for these man to follow Christ and stop their sinful ways or drinking beer and all those ungodly ways which they were following.
Prophet Chiza said he has seen these man going to different churches and kneeling down before God But that does not mean they have repented from their old ways of doing things.
Repentance is the only way that God will exalt the nation of Zimbabwe. The sins of these man are standing in the way of Deleverence.