Saviour Kasukuwere is reportedly now under 24 hour surveillance by Zimbabwe Military Intelligence in South Africa.

This was revealed by Gambakwe Media Sources following the firing of Tichaona Zindoga, an editor at Zimpapers.

Our sources revealed that Zindoga and two other unnamed people came to South Africa at the invitation of Saviour Kasukuwere.

The three were followed by Military intelligence to their hotel at City Lodge Waterfall City and all their movements were being monitored.

Savior Kasukuwere has already paid $USD50 000.00 through Acie Lumumba in Harare to Zindoga and other public media journalists to infiltrate the existing ZANU-PF and promote the agenda of Savior Kasukuwere.

It was also revealed that Zimbabwe Military Intelligence now know the exact location of Saviour Kasukuwere ‘s houses.

ED Mnangagwa is worried that Savior Kasukuwere and General Chiwenga are working together to outmaneuver him in 2023.