Rutendo Benson Matinyarare, a SOUTH African based ZANU PF backer, has made serious allegations about a meeting held in Johannesburg which he attended.
Writing on Facebook, Rutendo claimed that Tino Mambeu and Todd Maforimbo invited him to the meeting where they tried to sell him the idea of approaching anti-Zimbabwe organizations for military hardware.
He went on to suggest that the government of Zimbabwe should set up a database of all militant Zimbabweans based in the diaspora.
Read the full message below :
After the video made by the young rebel leader who wants to start a civil war in Zimbabwe. I remembered that at a meeting on the 22nd of January 2019, the two men in the picture below, #ToddMaforimbo and Tino Mambeu proposed that as young Zimbabweans we should engage white South Africans and exRhodesians for weapons to overthrow the Zimbabwean government.
Tino went further to say that he had the support of young people in Hillbrow and Yoeville who are ready to launch military operations in Zimbabwe if he could get sponsorship, which he wanted me to help him soilicit.
I asked them why they invited me to a meeting that talks about such treachery knowing my proZimbabwe position and immediately the subject changed.
The agenda of using violence against government is a real, present and growing threat. I’m not sure if government is taking these threats seriously.
These threats will become more persistent and imminent as long as the government continues to ignore engaging the masses on unity, patriotism and understanding sanctions.
Tomorrow, we are hearing that the same Tino Mambeu, is organizing an illegal march to disrupt the anti-sanctions march in Pretoria.
One of the reasons I fight against sanctions is I know that, if the sanctions fail to achieve regime change, then such elements will be used by the United States gvt to start a civil war in Zimbabwe or at least to start skirmishes that give the Americans humanitarian grounds to invade Zimbabwe.
I have also observed that the United Kingdom where Todd is based, has become a breeding ground of anti-Zimbabwean sentiment, defectors and traitors who openly advocate violent rebellion in Zimbabwe because they believe that they will never come back home.
The remedy to these elements is unity, education and mobilization of the masses against division, sanctions, violence and instability.
I also suggest developing a database of such people, similar to that which the US has so that when these individuals come back home for what ever reason, they can be interviewed before they enter the country.
Such should include all foreign soldiers, security personnel, liaisons, contacts, agents for foreign governments and those supporting insurrection.
Another is creating laws like the Logan Act and US PATRIOT ACT to criminalize Zimbabweans who collude with enemies of the state in attacking the country with financial weapons, other forms of destabilization or incitement of violence.
We are tired of brazen unpatriotic attitudes that are dividing the country and pushing people to support the collective attack of innocent Zimbabweans by enemy nations, in the name of democracy. We are the only nation in the world that tolerates this level of polarization and it has to stop.
Zimbabwe is my country. When you plot to attack Zimbabwe you are attacking my parents, relatives, family and children’s future, so beware because you are attacking me and I will defend myself.
By Rutendo Matinyarare.