Eddies Pfugari P/L and Edward Nyanyiwa have, once again, lost one of the longest running court cases in Zimbabwe. They were found in contempt of court and were ordered to deliver as per the original judgement.
Eddies Pfugari P/L was fined US$2000, while Edward Nyanyiwa was sentenced to 90 days in prison, suspended on condition that the company complies with the judgement.
The original judgement ordered Eddies Pfugari Pvt(LTD) to do the following:
Fully service the residential area at Knowe phase 1, Norton.
Ensure that reticulated water supplies are connected to all stands.
Ensure that sanitary systems are connected
Ensure that proper drainage systems are put in place and
Ensure that roads are properly tarred.
Eddies Pfugari P/L was ordered to pay all costs.
It remains to be seen if Knowe residents will get any relief in this complicated and long running court case.
Judgement date: 4 September 2019
Trial date : 3,10,11 July 2019
Case number: (HH- 458-19, HC 3715/10) [2019]
Eddies Pfugari P/L was represented by Nyambirai and Mtetwa