An Anonymous Facebook account has claimed that Russia and China Plan to Posion Nelson Chamisa during his upcoming visits to these nations:
Mark today’s date 20 August 2019..The information i have from state security close to ED is that they is an attempt to poison Nelson Chamisa in Moscow hotel or Chinese hotel, Russian media reported that the main opposition leader in Zimbabwe will visit their nation soon.
Nero has fallen into the trap of zanu Pf..Its either he will die there or the slow poison will take him safely back to Zimbabwe and kill him soon after…I have no capacity to see Chamisa.
I don’t have any links with his team but my message will reach him through public domain.
I warned the late Morgan Tsvangirai through Facebook post, I even advised him not to drink or eat anything at state house meetings…Russia and
China are good friends of zanu Pf and hotel stuff will make a foul play in Chamisa’s food , there are already negotiations with military intelligence from zim and china as well as Russia to implement the evil plan…keep this date for future use