Zimbabwe hip hop artist Holy Ten has revealed that he was intoxicated during his recent interview with Dj Ollah7, which has sparked controversy and landed him in hot water.

In a video trending online Holy Ten expressed regret over the interview, stating that Dj Ollah7 should have edited out certain parts that could potentially ruin his marriage.

“I don’t blame anyone, but Dj Ollah7 should have been more sensitive with the editing,” Holy Ten said. “Why would he air something that could damage my relationship? A lot is going on, and I think some things were said in anger.”

The revelation comes after Holy Ten was served with defamation documentation from Mama Vee and was also told to turn himself in by Mudiwa.

The rapper’s fans have expressed concern over his behavior, suggesting that it may be a cry for help.

Some however criticize him for throwing Dj Ollah under the bus.