An old woman from Bindura known as Damasi narrated her journey in the afterlife.
She narrated that before she died she had a dream of the heavens opening for her and she saw two people dressed in white robes.
These two individuals told her that “you shall die but you shall rise again,” she said
She said two months after the dream she fell ill.
A prophet told them while at church that one woman will die and shall be resurrected again whereas another woman will be possessed by seven demons.
She then narrated that after her death she went to heaven where she received a note and carried to two angels wearing black gowns
She said when she handed them the note they told her she wanted to get them into trouble and told her to pass as she didn’t belong there.
She said she was sent back.
She shared words of wisdom stating that if one gives they should give wholeheartedly and if one is to love should love wholly.
She advised people to repent from their sins.