Ginimbi’s former manager, Shally Nullens, announced that her company  email has fallen victim to a cyberattack.

The attack involved the unauthorized sending of a malicious email titled “Cease and Desist,” purportedly misrepresenting Nullens and her client.

In a statement shared with partners and associates, Nullens expressed her deep concern over the incident. “The unidentified sender’s intention is to defame and assassinate my character,” she stated, emphasizing the seriousness of the breach. She reassured stakeholders that both she and her client are actively investigating the matter to uncover the perpetrator.

The email message, which has circulated among industry contacts, raised alarms for many, prompting Nullens to act swiftly. “I want to mention that my client mentioned in this email is being misrepresented and did not authorize its contents,” she clarified.