For the first time in 3 years, Chiwenga has and top military bosses have skipped Mnangagwa’s thanksgiving event as the divide between Mnangagwa and the security sector intensifies.

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Key events for today

Gilbert family wedding was trending throughout Zimbabwe



1. Tariro Mary Tingini leaves Zimbabwe and gives her reasons. Others are leaving and going for caregiving course. No job. No man. No accommodation.
2. Laurah Tapiwa No power, no amenities, lack of advanced
3. What’s wrong with Zimbabwe tourism? Poor connectivity and lack of activities.
4. Rodwell Gowere in court for pretending to be Chiwenga in Whatsapp groupd. He will appear in court on 15 January. Gowere was using his Econet number and posted as General G Chiwenga. He is an artisanal miner from Shurugwi.


1. Tiny House launch
2. Men’s clinic launch
3. Mumvee report back