Chiwenga removed from Josiah Tongogara 45th anniversary event. Josiah Tongogara died on 26 December 1979.
Chiwenga who was supposed to preside over the Josiah Tongogara memorial has not appeared at the event. Senior ZANU-PF and military officials also did not attend.
Oppah Muchinguri, who was in the same car with Josiah Tongogara when he died, also did not attend.
HEADLINE 1 – Spirit of Mnangagwa’s father invades State House for second time
An armed man, Felix Togaraseyi Magureyi, who was possesd by the spirit of Mnangagwa’s father was this week arrested at State House after he arrived and fought the soldiers manning the entrance.
Magureyi, who was possessed with extraordinary powers, fought off the armed guards and entered the highly secured building. He arrived driving a Toyota Hilux double cab, AFU 0592.
On May 7, Magureyi arrived at State House driving a Toyota Hilux Raider. He parked at the visitor’s entrance, disembarked, and began dancing in front of a police officer manning the entrance. Claiming to be the President’s father, Magureyi then forced his way into the yard.
This was followed by the arrest of Michael Kunyenya on 22 May at the same venue, who has been photographed numerous time at State house.
It is unusual that a person that has committed such an offence can be released on bail. Magureyi and Mnangagwa know each other and the visits are spiritual. Magureyi has been remanded in custody to 7 June.
No explanation was given.
Announcement on Kembo Mohadi imminent
An annuncment on Zimbabwe Vice President, kembo Mohadi, who is currently receinving treatment in India is imminent.
Various intelligence sources have revealed that Mohadi was bein treated in India and medical professionals have failed to help him.
Please watch the video above this post for more details
1. In a bizarre incident, a security guard found dead at Justice Chatukuta’s home in Malbrough on Christmas day. The guard, Col Ndhlela was sitting in the guardroom when he suddenly ran out with an AK47 rifle. Col Dziripi said he ran away and cocked the gun with his leg. Dziripi did not see the shooting but heard a gunshot and said he saw Ndhlela’s body lying under a tree. The house was bought for the Judge by Mnangagwa for over $400 000 after the 2023 elections where she handed MP seats to Tshabangu.
2. Bulawayo has not had water for weeks. Most people in Bulawayo have not bathed for over four weeks.
3. Zimbabwe River Authority confirms 6 earthquakes at Kariba dam and has asked members of the public to report any unusual observations at the dam.
4. Vision Group, a consortium led by South African businessman Robert Gumede is set to take control over struggling sugar company Tongaat Hulett, ending its business rescue proceedings and potentially saving thousands of jobs. This also include the Zimbabwe assets of THL, such as Triangle Sugar Limited.
5. Tagwirei’s cement plant has closed and has failed to supply cement to the Mbudzi Interchange.
Capitec fined for non compliance with FICA
15 Interesting Facts You May Not Know About Zimbabwe
1. Zimbabwe is home to Victoria Falls, one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, shared with Zambia.
2. The country’s name comes from “Dzimbadzemabwe,” meaning “house of stone” in the Shona language, referencing the Great Zimbabwe ruins.
3. Great Zimbabwe, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was the capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe during the Iron Age.
4. The Zimbabwean dollar once experienced one of the highest hyperinflation rates in history, leading to the use of multiple currencies today.
5. Hwange National Park is the largest game reserve in Zimbabwe and home to one of the world’s largest elephant populations.
6. The Balancing Rocks, found near Harare, are a geological phenomenon and a symbol of the country’s resilience.
7. Zimbabwe has one of Africa’s highest literacy rates, with a strong focus on education.
8. The Matobo Hills, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, contain ancient rock art dating back thousands of years.
9. The Zambezi River, which flows along the northern border, is a hub for adventure sports like white-water rafting and canoeing.
10. Zimbabwe celebrates Unity Day on December 22 to commemorate peace agreements signed in 1987.
11. The Shona and Ndebele are the two main ethnic groups in Zimbabwe.
12. The country has five UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including Mana Pools National Park and the Khami Ruins.
13. The Flame Lily is the national flower of Zimbabwe.
14. The country is known for its vibrant music scene, including mbira (thumb piano) music and chimurenga songs.
15. Lake Kariba, shared with Zambia, is a massive reservoir and a popular spot for fishing and houseboating.