Botswana has been well known as a democratic country which has led peaceful elections for the past few years.
The rise in political interest is however said to cause some post election tension according to analyst.
Botswana’s economy is solely dependant on diamond with the drop in revenue this has led to some criticism of the government for not making changes and introducing diversity.
The Botswana diamond revenue is said to have dropped by nearly 50% during the first half and it’s still falling which could put Botswana’s economy in peril.
Botswana is the second largest diamond reserve after Russia hence dependable on their precious stones .
A report was made to Al jeezera that “unlike in the past there is increased political competition “
The former president Ian Khama who traveled for his court hearing in September endorsed Botswana Patriotic Front against Botswana Democratic Party.
Botswana Democratic Party has been ruling for 58years.
The results will be out in few days.