WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe looks at the imminent loss of hundreds of jobs at the CBZ, FML and Zb Bank as Zimbabwe witnesses one of the biggest financial services mergers. The job losses come after Zimbabwe billionaire, Kuda Tagwirei has bought three of Zimbabwe’s biggest financial services companies.

Please watch the video above this post for more details


1. CBZ has fired 13 executives as part of restructuring.
2.Treger group is retrenching hundreds of employees. The group is retrenching three quarters of their employees at Kango, Monarch and Treger plastics, Zimbabwe grain. Other recent retrenchments include the Reserve bank of Zimbabwe and the closure of Standard Chartered Bank Zimbabwe
3. Massive snow hots South Africa.
4. Harare institute of technology , ZESA vehicles have been seized by ZIMRA after they bought cars from Creative Auto who bought them from some Chinese nationals as part of the import rebate.
5. Soweto Marathon starts on 3 November 2024
6. 27 Swiss farmers to be compensated this week. The executives will go on Garden leave on 1 October with their contracts terminating on 31 December. The affected executives are deputy CEO Jack Smith, Group Chief Executive Clarence Chimwanda, Chief Legal Officer Vogt Melanie, Chief Internal Auditor Jonker Bruce, CIO Bandal Ashish and Business Development Digital Ruredzo Benlaw.
7. A second and wider retrenchment set to follow after restructuring.
8. Star Sat ordered to close by ICASA after failing to renew their 15 year licence, Over 500 000 subscribers set to be affected.
9. High court orders Home Affairs to unlock 142 IDs. The ruling was brought after an appication by the Lawyers for Human Rights. Home affairs has been ordered to produce a detailed report showing which IDs have been blocked and which ones remain unblocked. The notice by Home affairs for those with IDs that are set to be cancelled remains unaffected and will still be cancelled by the end of September.
10. Highlanders vs. Simba Bhora match abandoned after a penalty decision by Cecil Gwereza. Highlander players refused to let the penalty be taken. The match was stopped after 40 minutes.
11. YeboYethu applied to join the case against Nkosana Makate
12. Daily Maverick announces retrenchment of employees. the announcement come after Independent Media anniuncement retrenchments.


Job market shifting in various sectors due to technology. In the case of Zimbawe, there are other factors at play.