WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe looks at the background of the dramatic fall of Harare Town Clerk Hosiah Chisango who is languishing in remand prsion. Chisango’s trouble originate from a case in 2019 where he went against a directive by Mnangagwa to withdraw a case again Harare property dealers at Pokugara.

On the 12th and 14th of June 2019, Tatiana Aleshina wrote letters in her name and on behalf of the accused (Pokugara) to the town clerk of the City of Harare (Hosea Chisango) asking him to withdraw criminal charge against officials Pokugara in case number CRB HR 14065/18 claiming in those letters the existence of support from Mnangagwa for such withdrawal of said on-going criminal charges

Please watch the video above this post for more details.

Key events for Today

Mnangagwa to address the SADC lecture at the University of Zimbabwe


Harare City Council Town Clerk Hosiah Chisango has four wives
He is buidling a massive mansion in Mt Pleasant for one of his wives
Chisango has been in and out of court since July 2023
Cicada plantations Zimbabwe has bought shares in Border Timbers Zimbabwe

Tendani Sebeta sponsors Dyamos”s seven day stay in Botswana. Sebata, is a successful businessman with a diverse portfolio of companies, including luxury coaches, security, and cargo handling services. He owns Botswana’s most successful club – Township rollers. Dynamos is playing in Botswana because Zimbabwe does not have a stadium that meets CAF standards. Zimbabwe will be playing Zambia’s ZESCO on Sunday.

Nyika Grwoth point to host Defence forces Gala.
The show will be hosted at Gwindingwi high school grounds
Mark Ngwazi, Chief Hwenje, Dorcas Moyo, Enzo Ishall and Andy Muridzo

Choppies Sunningdale lost over R14 000 after thieves broke into the shop
The manager left the keys inside the shop
The alarm was not activated

Bongiwe Praise Magwaza convicted for the murder of her policeman boyfriend Kgopotso Ntsana
Count 1 Murder: 20 years’ imprisonment
Count 2 unlawful Possession of Firearm: 7 years’ imprisonment
Count 3 Unlawful Possession of ammunition: 5 years’ imprisonment
Count 4 Defeating the end of justice : 7 years’ imprisonment.

Showmax deal with Capitec will see discounted deals

Tech businessman David Phume is accused by Kingdom Ndlovu of failing to pay him R1 million for student accommodation