Bulawayo Mayor, David Coltart, has publicly renounced Sengezo Tshabangu’s authority over him.

This comes after Tshabangu, who proclaimed himself Citizen Coalialition for Change interim Secretary General, stated he would lead negotiations with Zanu-pf on an inclusive government. Tshabangu asserted he would represent CCC, awaiting a position paper from Zanu-pf.

Coltart dismissed Tshabangu’s authority, citing his actions as “illegal and unconstitutional” since the 2023 elections.

“I have always viewed Tshabangu’s conduct since the elections of August 2023 as illegal and unconstitutional,” said Coltart

Tshabangu’s controversial rise to prominence came after the 2023 elections, when he declared himself CCC interim leader and recalled several CCC MPs, leading to Nelson Chamisa’s resignation as CCC President citing infiltration.

Other CCC MPs also resigned in solidarity with Chamisa.

Coltart however stated that he is not going to resign as Bulawayo Mayor without serving his term.