WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe looms at the vicious fight between Zimbabwe President, E.D. Mnangagwa and his deputy General Constantino Chiwenga which has spilled into Parliament.
As was first reported by Gambakwe on 15 April, there are now two factions in the Zimbabwe Parliament, where Kuda Mnangagwa and Ziyambi Ziyambi are preparing to pass a vote of no confidence in speaker, Jacob Mudenda. Mudenda is reported to be a Chiwenga supporter and was reportedly overhead saying Mnangagwa would soon be pushed out.
Yesterday, 8 May 2024, Mudenda threw out Ziyambi Ziyambi, the leader o government business, from parliament, in an open display of factionalism.
Ziyambi Ziyambi is working with Sengezo Tshabangu, Kuda Mnangagwa and CCC MPs to push for ammendments in the constitution that will allow Mnangagwa to stay in office beyond the end of his term in 2028.
Please watch the video above this post for more details.
1. Zimbabwe now in the Post Mnangagwa era. Mnangagwa looking at various ways of retaining power.
2. Succession politics in Zimbabwe will play out publicly in ZANU-PF.
3. Mnangagwa is losing control as Chiwenga starts assuming more power
4. Gambakwe has written to the commissioner of police for him to provide details of the investigation. If not available within 7 days, legal steps will follow.
5. The people who organised the car that abducted Pastor Masaya have been identified.
6. Ezekiel Tobias Musiyiwa Chaunoita has been declared a Zimbabwe national hero.
7. Chaunoita was Josiah Tongogara’s bodyguard just like
8. Madam Boss in Netflix Bridgerton Movie, sadly her Range Rover was broken into and phone stolen yesterday.
9. Tanzania and Namibia have ended their involvement in the Mozambique war