The former CEO of the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation has revealed that her life is in danger as people around information minister, Jenfan Muswere continue to follow her around.
Writing on linkedln, Adelaide said.
On Saturday, Minister Muswere’s relatives came and wanted to talk at about 12 midday. My aunt saw them at the gate as I wasn’t home and told them to phone me. At about 4pm I started to get pestered by a journalist from the standard.
Please note I have already taken action against the Standard newspaper for libel and malicious slander. The journalist in question would then proceed to do a story trying to pit me against my President His Excellency CDE ED Mnangagwa. I was shocked to say the least.
My dear friends, this has been my situation since Muswere was made Minister, malicious articles are written about me every weekend as he swore that he would and no one could do anything about it because he is very powerful.
The reason he is doing this is to try to discredit Minister Mutsvangwa because I told her about his sexual harassment attempt on me in 2021, together with my Chairman. Some things are not meant for this forum but I will disclose it here as this guy Muswere is a bully of unimaginable heights and proportion.
Remember I too am an appointee of His Excellency and could only serve at his pleasure. I resigned because of pressure from Muswere as evidenced by the letter I shared last week to Chief Secretary. It’s a shame that this man can abuse power and state institutions and get away with it.
I reported my case. Everyone is asking why I kept quiet, I didn’t, I reported my case. An investigation was even carried out and i heard nothing of it. Mai Mutsvangwa and Dr Tayi are suffering because they knew of the advances Muswere made. Worse for Mai Mutsvangwa because she approached him about it when she was still my minister. Last week I also shared about Helliate’s side kick Gilbert Nyambabvu and how he was attacking me even on his Facebook page.
Is it a wonder that he responded to Helliate Rushwaya’s questions which were sent to her by Brenna Matendera of Newshawks. People, there is mafia in Zimbabwe operating and ruining people’s lives in broad daylight! I reported Rushwaya to the Intergrity Committee and even did a report about her content deals to the Ministry of Information. Nothing was done.
She then came up with some allegations which she and finance director Machakata created, same allegations which were dismissed by the former board. I have the minutes of these meetings. Skeletons are coming out of the closet. We must have governance and accountability in our institutions. Public Officials must be protected from people like Muswere and Rushwaya who abuse proximity and power.