The African Energy Week (AEW) 2023 conference and exhibition organized by the African Energy Chamber (AEC) was officially opened on Monday in Cape Town.
Prominent media personality Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa is attending the one week event running from the 16th to the 20th of October.
The opening ceremony featured messages of unity and vision, with keynotes drawing attention to the role collaboration, investment and a just approach to energy development.
Taking to Facebook, Ruvheneko said she is incredibly grateful to be on the stage giving her keynote address.
She said:
“We still have a ways to go in transitioning to alternate energy sources and discussions were had around the cost of finance, the +75% of Africans still without access to electricity, the only 4% toward carbon omissions that Africa contributes, the need for favourable policies for investors, the sad truth that some African countries export power to one neighbouring country but import it from another neighbouring country; and so on, and so on.
On the positive side, there is more and more exploration on the continent and a number of new governments that will hopefully ensure we switch on more lights and benefit considerably from the collaborarions with all the players both upstream and downstream- and everything in between.
Ultimately, Africa Oil Week is dedicated to realising the full potential of Africa’s energy resources for the world’s benefit and the continent’s betterment.
As always, I threw in the “presidential selfie” – this time with the Deputy President of South Africa, H.E. Paul Mashatile 🇿🇦
The South African Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Honourable Gwede Mantashe welcomed us all and highlighted that we might not necessarily be ready to switch from coal to renewable energy because coal in Africa will be here for a long while still.
To note: Africa Oil Week and the Green Energy Africa Summit are combining, so as of next year, it will be one event, as opposed to parallel events.
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#Host #MC #DirectorOfCeremonies