President Emmerson Mnagwa is expected to erect statues in honour of the late former President Robert Gabriel Mugabe and the late Vice President, Dr Joshua Mqabuko Nyongolo Nkomo.
This is a move aimed at recognising and honouring the roles they played during the liberation struggle.
The late nationalist and first Vice President of ZAPU, Dr Tichafa Samuel Parirenyatwa, will also be honoured with a statue.
The statue of Cde R.G Mugabe will be erected at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport, while Dr.J.M.N. Nkomo statue will be erected at the trumpet Interchange at the intersection of Joshua Mqabuko Nyongolo Nkomo and Glenara Roads.
Parirenyatwa’s statue will be erected at an appropriate entrance to the Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals.