Gospel musician Fungisai Mashavave took to Social Media to mourn the passing on of her role model Tina Turner.
Turner, the pioneering rock’n’roll star died on the 24th of May aged 83 after battling a long illness.
Writing on Facebook, Fungisai said she learnt a lot from her childhood idol.
She said:
Oh no! You people didn’t tell me about my first role model’s passing on.😭💦💦💦 if you ever saw me jumping on stage on high heels as a young girl, if you saw me so energetic and expressive on stage, I was inspired by her personality. If you saw me as a young girl with a full leather outfit, it was her, if you saw me with ma1 1 e hundred percent weave mumusoro & showing so much energy on stage, I was watching Tina Turner DVDs .
All the faded jeans!. What I just did was convince myself that I could convert all that energy to the benefit of my beliefs and God’s Kingdom and I did it! I am at a loss, she taught me never to be a boredom on stage. Just by watching her energetic performances, I made it my assignment to introduce a powered differently choreographed Gospel music performance on stage.
Back then, it was an invention for a Gospel artist to have energetic choreography on stage. People were used to the sideway swaying but I just borrowed life from this lady’s passion. Ooh! I am so heartbroken she is gone! My childhood idol is gone and sadly it took me so many days to discover. 😭💦💦💦