Hiphop musician Stunner has come to the defence of his ex wife Olinda Chapel after she posted a controrvesial birthday message.
Writing on Facebook, Stunner said she appreciates yesterday’s post by Olinda adding that he looks forward to a whole lot more posts.
“I or she do not need permission to wish each other well unless Mr Nkomo says to me do not mention her which I doubt coz in 2 weeks time tetichitonwa tese at the leceister gig in UK”, he said.
Stunner said if he was to get stranded in England, Olinda will be the fiirst person she calls.
“These are good people and we should all learn to get rid of this notion yekuti exs are people that should always be fighting. NDIKARASIKA NDIRI ENGLAND WHO DO YOU ALL THINK I CALL FIRST????”.