Ambassador at large Prophet Uebert Angel’s assistant Ricky Doolan has responded to the Al Jazeera’s five-part documentary series focusing on the alleged massive looting of gold in Zimbabwe
Addressing the nation, Doolan claimed the documentary is brutally edited to portray a false narrative.
This comes after Eubert Angel was quoted telling Doolan, and undercover Al Jazeera reporters that he would fix an appointment with Mnangagwa to the tune of US$200,000.
Doolan who distanced himself from gold dealing said the findings have been sponsored to tarnish the names of a selected few business people in the country.
He claimed that everyone was aware that the meeting with investors was being recorded thus he said some ungly statements to only to persuade them to sign the impactful changing deal of a US$1,2 billion hotel in Victoria falls.
Ricky added that call decoys were used to manipulate the investigators into believing that the deal was real.