My Testimony
I would like to thank God for quick healing. A few days after a deadly car accident I forced myself to take a flight to Harare to meet my only Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa
For the first time I didn’t tell Dad that I’m coming I only told him after checking in and was about to board because I knew he will advise me rest and recover at home.
Reason I went to him physically was my level of faith in that situation I really wanted a face to face not a phone call or anything, not that it’s bad but my faith was shaken I was troubled and in low spirits.
The pain was crazy but I had to be a man, I took an evening flight to avoid many people seeing me on a wheelchair throughout the airports. I got there I met Dad and we spoke, Dad had a way to minister healing to me by sharing an experience that he had some years ago when he was about to hold a certain big conference.
He shared how he healed very fast than the expected time and as he was sharing I received the same grace same time.
He didn’t waste time then he said now you can go home and assisted me to reach the airport in the best of comfort in his vehicle. I felt blessed , honoured and above all healed I knew it’s just a matter of time. The chest pains were gone same time.
To cut the long story short the past Sunday I was able to minister without crutches and was able to make some movements without help.
That’s healing earlier than the expected time, I want to thank God for vessels like my king Dad for such expression of love and care.
I’m sharing this so that you know that doctors treat but God is the healer
I was treated by doctors and I paid thousands of dollars but I knew that the end of this is when I meet that one man I believe in and guess what that was the end
I know In the next one week I’ll be running like before and that’s way earlier than the expected time .
And to all who shared prayers online and wished me well I want to say to you , I love you and you energised me. I wish you can do that everyday 😃 it’s easy for a leader to feel like we are not loved because we’re always swallowed by the current moment forgetting that you are out there caring.
Thank you so much and to my immediate family you’re the best and to that one person who wake up next to me daily you’re MY GUY thank you Anesu Chari