One of Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) commander Phillip Valerio’s sons Jacob is allegedly demanding a refund of his lobola money after leaving his wife.

Sources close to the Sibanda and Masango families said Jacob was customarily married to Rumbidzai Masango in 2020 after paying over US$7 000 in lobola money.

The couple lived in South Africa, but Jacob ended the marriage in December the same year before he returned to Zimbabwe as a repartee.

Jacob is however demanding lobola money so that he can also bring gupuro (a token for divorce)

He was allegedly married before to Chiyedza Shonhiwa and didn’t demand roora back when that marriage also failed which has left his wife’s family shocked.

The family members said Jacob had promised to pay back the money his wife used for his upkeep while living in South Africa, but was yet to do so.