WATCH LIVE as Gambakwe Media looks at CCC President, Nelson Chamisa’s recent trip to Tanzania where he was invited by a minor party, Allianvce for Change and Transparency (ACT Wazelendo). The party is led by Zitto Kabwe.
In his speech, Chamisa repeated his claims that he won the Zimbabwe 2018 Presidential elections.
Chamisa also claimed that in Africa elections are always rigged, while in western countries elections are being held under perfect conditions.
Key Point for discussion
- In this video, Gambakwe Media looks at Chamisa’s insistence that he won the elections in 2018 while the next elections are just one year away in 2023.
- We also look at Chamisa’s continued participation in elections while at the same time calling the Zimbabwe electoral commission biased.
- We also look at Chamisa’s discussion of internal political issues with foreign countries. This is something that other politicians from other countries will never do while visiting in Zimbabwe.
The video will conclude by looking at Chamisa’s possible paths to state house and why internal dialogue is key for the future prosperity of Zimbabwe.
Please watch the video above this post for more details.