Popular award winning Zimbabwean journalist, Hopewell Chin’ono, has tonight dismissed allegations that he bought his new Range Rover Sport with Donor funds.
Chin’ono earlier posted pictures of the new car on Facebook and said:
Mota nyowani yekumba kwedu.
In a normal economy every professional should be able to drive a car like this.
Sadly in Zimbabwe the professionals have been made to wallow in poverty!
Endai muno register kuvhota vafanha if you want a good life.
It is within your reach if you vote
When asked how he got the money to buy such a flashy car, Chin’ono said in another post on Facebook.
I lived and worked in a country where young people take voting seriously.
So today I am able to celebrate the new ride with Blue.
If young people in Britain didn’t take voting seriously and politicians were allowed to loot, I wouldn’t have been able to have the savings that I enjoy today!
A new Range Rover Sport retails for at least R1 Million in South Africa. However, when Zimbabwe import duties are added, the cost in Zimbabwe could be over R2 Million.
Chin’ono, who last week bought a mansion in Mutare, has been on a spending spree over the last few weeks.
Many Zimbabweans often wonder what Chin’ono is engaged in, as he spends all his time on Facebook snd Twitter.
Before he bought his new car, Chin’ono was driving a vintage car.
Developing story…