The trial leader of Goodness and Mercy Ministries founder, Prophet T Freddy has won big at High Court.

Chief Chikwaka has now confirmed that Prophet Freddy and Rutendo Makati were intimate even before the alleged rape incident.


Chikwaka further admitted that he gave a false narrative after he had an interview with a local online publication over the matter.


Prophet T Freddy’s defence counsel, Everson Chatambudza exposed how Chikwaka narrated an inconsistent version of events in regard to the rape allegation.


Chikwaka’s version of events in court was different from the one he told the online publication and it was also different from the one he wrote in his warned and cautioned statement.


Prophet T Freddy is accused of raping ZBC Radio presenter Rutendo Makuti.

The court case was postponed last year with Makuti having an upper hand.


However, the tables have turned with Prophet T Freddy now close to winning the case.