South Africa based Zimbabwean Prophet, Jay Israel ( Jacob Dube), has once afain slammed Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa.
Writing on Facebook, Jay Israel said:
The man pictured below , Makandiwa , has a very big deceptive spirit . The greates deceiver of all times . I am happy that I have finally laid out what has been in my heart for the whole year . Now I challenge them to do what they are used to doing , which is intimidating and using whatever they can use to silence a person . Makandiwa is a Charlatan and a thief , so is his son who’s based here in Pretoria . He is getting ready to fake miracles and prophecies on the 31st of December . Pretoria people beware !!
Makandiwa and your minions especially the young boy you used on your page to broadcast that video you claimed was blackmail . I want you to know I am ready for you and this time around it’s a different ball game altogether because there’s no agreement done between us . Last time people thought you won because we agreed that I will not respond to you .. NOT THIS TIME AROUND !!!
I am Jay Israel and I fear nobody .