Comedian Mai Titi has revealed that her husband will help her finish building her new beautiful house.

Posting on social media, Mai Titi shared pictures of the beautiful house.

Mai Titi was showing her husband the develooments done at the house.

“Happy Sunday ayiwa ndiriko kumboronga mhurika tichiita madevelopments sababa namai kudayi 😂ayiwa tatichingoratidza baba pandakasvitswao naMwari ndichiri single”

Mai Titi said since she is no longer single her husband will help her finish the construction of the house.

“Ndikati daddy zvamauya mochindibetsera kuvaka mansion yandirikudaka Apa so far ndozvandakakwanisawo izvi mukadzi ahasi simbe anomira mira ka.”

One follower advised her against seeking funds from Tinashe to build her almost finished house.