In a strange occurrence, Bikita villagers fled into their homes as soon as they heard that opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa was passing through their communities.
Villagers in ZANU-PF strongholds are blaming Chamisa for calling sanctions against Zimbabwe, which are causing untold suffering throughout the country.
This was more apparent at Janet Shopping center where the shops were deserted. Only a few members of Chamisa ‘s team wrre seen sharing a loaf of bread which they were breaking with their hands.
Speaking to Gambakwe Media, villagers appealed to Chamisa to call for the removal of ZIDERA sanctions by the USA.
Tatambura mwanangu, dei mukomana akumbira shamwari dzake kuti dzibvise ma sanctions vana vawane mabasa.
Chamisa ‘s team wrote on Facebook that villagers were chased from the Shopping centers by police.