Sermon By Pastor Joshua Muchena
Today, I will speak about how I believe many women have a spiritual husband.
I know this will attract criticism, because many people try to ignore the truth and I’m here to speak the truth.
I believe, if there is a prayer point, that every woman must pray is to pray that God delivers them from a spiritual husband.
Now, if you look at the Bible, the Bible talks about different types of curses, generational curses, they are personal curses, environmental curses, regional curses, and there are also gender curses: that is, there are cures that affect only men, and then they are curses that affect only women.
Now, when you talk about environmental curses, I would like to believe that they are things that affect you because of where you are.
I strongly believe that who you are, will not only be affected by who you know or what you know, but also affected by where you are.
That’s why, in Genesis, God took more days, creating the environment that Adam would need, so he took one day to create Adam, but it took six days, to create the environment that Adam needs because he understands that environment, made us in some of you that breakthrough that you need is to leave that city the breakthrough that you need is to leave that town.
The breakthrough that you need is to leave that country. The breakthrough that you need is also to leave that continent, some of you, you will never realize the blessing upon your life or your potential, unless you leave the continent, or the country that you reside in particular.
Now, I want to talk about gender curses. I want to talk about women in particular, because I believe 90% of every women, at their risk of receiving criticism, I believe 90% of women in the world have a spiritual husband.
Yes I say that, I believe, 90% of women in the world have spiritual husband.
Now, for me to explain that, we have what we call in theology, the law of estimation.
That means, in order for you to understand a particular thing, you have to go when it was first measured.
So, there is no better place to identify the existence or the manifestation of your spiritual husband than Genesis.
In regard we go back to Eve, because we are looking at the woman, the first woman that God has created.
Now, there are two particular curses that God announces on Eve. So if you go with me to Genesis chapter number three verse 16 The Bible says to the woman, he said:
I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing, in pain you shall bring forth children.
The second one, your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you.
So this is the declaration of two cures that are gender connected.
These are curses that as long as you are a woman, they will affect you, unless you dedicate your life to pray.
So the first case is, I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing. Now I can pause there for a little while to explain because there are many questions that arose when Cain killed his brother, the case that was poking upon Him, God says you shall be a wonder.
You shall go to different places and not receiving any breakthrough, and God put a mark, and the Bible says you went to a place where there were people and maybe we’ll come up with a question that if Cain and Abel were the firstborn of creation. Why is it that when Cain went to another place, he found people?
Well, let me explain this to you. Now, if you understand and you look at this case closely. The Bible says, I will surely multiply your pain in child bearing, that there are two things that are so evident in this particular case:
Number one:
Women were already giving birth.
Number two
They were already going through pain, because the reason why God created Eve was to fulfill the prophetic word that he spoke to Adam.
God says to Adam, Be fruitful, multiply replenish the earth, and subdue over it.
You cannot be fruitful, you cannot multiply you cannot replenish when there is no proper juicing of children, or offspring.
So when God created Adam and Eve, He created them so that they can multiply, they can produce after their own time. So in the beginning, Adam and Eve were already having birth.
In the first intent of God, God created men and women to have s_ex, so that they can give birth to children, and give birth to offspring.
So, in first intent. The reason for s_ex was not for pleasure, that the reason for sex was for childbearing, but it was the revelation of the tree of knowledge between good and evil, that mean discovered that s_ex can be pleasurable.
I don’t have time to talk about that but I want to talk about that. The first time that we get to understand here is that Eve was already giving birth in the garden. She was already experiencing pain. She had given birth, but the curse was not to give birth.
Many people believe that women were cursed to give birth, no, that is not a curse, that is a fulfillment of a prophetic word.
The case was:
You shall have pain, not only pain because they were already having pain, but I will multiply the level of your pain in giving birth, which means that they were ready given birth. But God had to multiply the pain. As a result of a case.
So where did Cain get the people that he met? God was already creating!
Adam and Eve were already having babies, but Cain and Abel became the first born after the falling out.
So this becomes the first curse that is poking on the agenda of women, then the second curse, this is where I’m going to stay long.
The Bible says your desire shall be contrary to a husband. Your desire shall be contrary to your husband. One version says, and your desire will be over your husband, and the other version says your desire will be too control your husband.
So this is the second manifestation of a curse, and this is the second manifestation of a spiritual husband.
What is the first manifestation. If you go in Genesis, you will find that Eve in Eden was talking to the serpent when Adam was around.
This was the first manifestation of a spiritual husband.
Thi is when you are having conversations or when you are having voices that speak to you from other men that are not your husband.
Now let me go deeper, a little bit. So, if it’s talking to a serpent, if she is talking to another man.
When her men, when her husband is standing right next to her, or ladies that are watching right now, you no longer find comfort in the words of your man, you no longer find comfort in their voice, or the words of your husband.
Now you go around talking to other people about your marriage. Now this is the manifestation of a spiritual husband because now the men that you are, with no longer gives you fulfillment.
Now you are looking for fulfilment in another man, because there is a manifestation of a spiritual husband.
The second manifestation is right here in Genesis chapter three verse number 16
Your desire would be to control your husband.
Now this is a curse, and many people say that this is love, when, when a woman talks about, where were you, this is one of the most things that any man can testify that a woman asked Where were you, what are you doing, why did you not call me? This sounds like love, but it’s a result of a curse.
Because it’s a desire to control a man. It’s a desire that you want to control the movement of men but this is not love.
This is a manifestation and the exposing of a curse, because the God first intention in marriage was the men would rule the woman.
I don’t know, you talk about gender, when you talk about 50-50 I’m not here to talk about, But I’m here to talk about what you need to know.
According to the plan of God. Men rules the woman. But the curse manifesting in Genesis was the woman would desire to control the man.
So whenever you are a woman, and the desire will always be you want to control your husband.
You want to control their movement, you want to control what they do, you want to control the things that they say, it means there is a manifestation of a curse that is moving in your life, and wherever you are, you need to go and seek deliverance.
You need to find a deliverance church you need to find a powerful anointed man of God, so that they may pray over your life, and deliver you from the spiritual husband.
This manifestation of this curse even happens to a pastor’s wife, they have it, the controlling nature of the curse, that God spoke in Genesis, they want to control their husband so now, man cannot do what God has called him to do, because there is that manifestation of the curse to control.
So I’m here to talk to every woman that can hear, if you don’t pray, you need to begin to pray that God helps you to deliver you to deliver you from a spiritual husband, because this is not an ordinary thing, this is a gender, curse.
And just because you don’t believe it, doesn’t mean it will not affect you.
It’s like saying I don’t believe in gravity, you jump, you go on top of the building you jump you break your legs.
Just because you don’t believe in something doesn’t mean it won’t affect you.