A Zimbabwean man, Nowa Makhula (32), axed his wife Nomzamo Mhlanti (42) and her five children Azakhiwe (10), Yibanathi (8), twins Wineka and Thoko (5) and Luphumo (6 months).
The three youngest children were Makula’s children with Nomzamo.
The bodies of the six were found inside a shack in Sidebekweni village. Makhula was arrested 300km away in King Williams Town.
Makula appeared at Elliot-Dale Magistrate court yesterday facing murder charges.
Over 200 Protestors barricaded the court entrance demanding to be handed Makhula so that they could mete out instant justice.
Makhula demanded a Shona speaking translator and the case was postponed to 7 December.