Johane Masowe was born Shoniwa Tandi Masedza in 1914 in rural district of Rusape, his father was Jack Masedza, whereas his mother was called Saiso, or Eve daughter of Mugwambi of Rusape.
Johane was the second in a family of six boys, the name Shonihwa was changed to Johane when he started his ministry around 1932.
The name “Johane Masowe” means “John of the Wilderness”, and alludes to John the Baptist.
In 1932, Masowe was arrested and suffered a long illness, and was unable to speak or walk. Afterwards, he believed he had been “sent from Heaven to carry out religious work among the natives”.
He spent the 1930s as an itinerant preacher throughout southern Africa, he spent 40 days in prayer on Marimba hill near Norton surviving only on wild honey.
He had a burning bush telling him to continue with his good works and urge the natives to do away with witchcraft after these incidents his severe headaches ceased.
The authorities during his time monitored how Johane conducted his work and ministered to a huge group of people, he later moved to Bulawayo and in the 1940s launched an international ministry traveling across South Africa.
Due to pressure for income, Masowe initiated the self help project that became a Vapostori trade mark.
Johane Masowe rejected the bible because initially Africans did not have the bible, he felt that God had spoken to him directly and there was no need to use the bible.
After adopting the use of the bible, Masowe preferred to act according to what the man of old did instead of just reading it.
Johane in Zambia in 1973, his body was flown to his home in Gandanzara.