Zimbabwe is in a log-jam and needs a temporary transitional mechanism urgently to deal with the political and economic crisis. Reverend Mthatha says the current environent is not conductive for elections to be held in 2023.
Speaking during an online panel discussion that was organised by Sapes Trust, Mthatha said there following issues.
There should be a sabbatical period where the nation will be able to reboot itself
- Resolve the hurts of the past e.g Gukurahundi
- Implement the constitution
- Establish a New Social Contract based on an inclusive economy and get rid of cartels
- Establish a New International Re-engagement framework
- Establish an Inclusive Humanitarian Intervention Mechanism
- Recover the Health and Education and Social Services
This will enable the resumption political activities on a level ground. The distance between Zimbabweans is too big. The differences are to entrenched. The cooling period will allow Zimbabweans to build structures.
The churches propose that elections be held in 2028.