Professor Arthur G.O. Mutambara Former Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) of Zimbabwe says Africans need an ecosystem approach to decolonisation and promoting of the 2063 African Agenda.
Professor Mutambara said it is not in the Interests of China that Africans produce or manifucture that will foster sustainable development.
Mutambara condemned the building of the African Union by the Chinese saying it was a way of spying on Africans and gaining monopoly over Africa.
In 2012, when the AU building was completed, it was signified as a symbolic gesture aimed at solidifying Sino-Africa relations.
The landmark 20-story office tower overlooking a pearl-shaped conference center was “a gift” from the Chinese government to help African nations integrate better and improve their institutional capacity.
He said the AU should have been designed and built by Africans because they posses the capabilities to do so.
Professor Mutambara added that Chinese only support their own interests, “they see value and a market for their own products”.
China is heavily involved in Africa, with its companies and entrepreneurs conducting trade and investing heavily in African countries.
Chinese aid has also been blamed for propping up authoritarian regimes, constructing shoddy roads and infrastructure built by imported Chinese workers, and focusing mainly on countries home to oil, minerals, and other resources that China needs.
Mutambara said democracy is a means to an end therefore it should be used as a framework to Africa’s economic prosperity.