Apostle Talent Chiwenga spoke hard against what he termed False Prophecies by Well known Prophets: TB Joshua, Shepherd Bushiri and Emmanul Makandiwa.
In an in-depth description on the origins of Coronavirus, Apostle Chiwenga said Makandiwa is now taking credit for prophesying about Coronavirus when he, at the time of the prophesy, claimed that he was prophesying for the prophesy not to come to pass.
Apostle Chiwenga said Makandiwa was wrong to say Coronavirus came from the sea as no mammal lives in the sea.
He also slammed Makandiwa for saying millions or even Billions will die from the disease, when in actual fact the mortality rate for Coronavirus is less than 3%. Apostle Chiwenga said Makandiwa was implying that the Disease came from the devil, when he said it came from the sea: Which he said is incorrect and meant to deceive.
Chiwenga said Corona virus is the army of God, sent to punish the world for disobeying God. he said the Devil can not control life, as only God can decide when someone can die.
On TB Joshua, Apostle Chiwenga said TB Joshua has been exposed as a false prophet and this was part of God’s plan.
On Bushiri, Apostle Chiwenga said it is immoral for him to sell Coronavirus oil for R1500 a bottle when South Africans are dying of the disease.
Please watch the linked video for more details.