Socialite Olinda Chapel has confirmed that she is indeed HIV Positive after her enstranged husband Tytan exposed her HIV status on a reality show with his lawyer Rumbidzayi
Olinda Chapel has however dismissed claims that She didn’t open up about her HIV status saying that Tytan knew that she was HIV Positive and he was the one who would drive her to the hospital for check-ups but now he is using her sickness against her.
He knew about my history from the time he was in Zimbabwe. he knows I am in a very small group called a small progressor you know what a small progressor is?
“I will send you another statement to show you how many times I got admitted in hospital it was more than 50 times and at each point, I was being admitted in hospital he was standing right beside me he is the one who would drive me to the hospital he¡¯s the one who would be near me but now he is now using all that as a weapon against me”.
“There is a time when the people at the hospital said this man is taking advantage. He is the one who used to even tell me to hospital and tell me that it is time to take your medication; he has been holding me a prisoner all this while and using that as a form of psychological abuse. Tytan is a serial cheater. While I am in the hospital, I would come back to find out he is now busy sleeping with other women”.
You know that someone who is in my shoes right now what he has just done it would destroy them but I will not allow him because that is giving him the power.
Tytan would go and collect medication for me. Tytan would administer that medication for (to) me.
“Tytan was very much aware before he had boarded the plane from Zimbabwe and I made sure that I recorded that conversation with him because I knew that this would happen I made sure myself that he knew”.
Olinda says she has audio recordings of the conversations she had with Tytan in which she informed him of her status because she wanted to protect herself. She goes on to say that Tytan convinced her of his love for her when he claimed that he loved her despite her HIV status.
Olinda also highlighted that being HIV positive is not an issue because there are medications to control the condition. She contrasted this with having the Coronavirus.
He has been using this as a weapon against me the desperation to seek for papers is really shocking.
Olinda claimed that she was going to take legal action against Tytan and Rumbidzai Bvunzawabaya to make sure that they pay for the allegations that they are making.
She also said that she has evidence that shows the massive inconsistencies in Tytan’s allegations that show that he is lying.
Rumbidzai Bvunzawabaya is under investigation by the solicitors regulation authority.Olinda said she will only let the matter to a rest when they pay her, she promised that she won’t stop this time.