Apostole Chiwenga
13 Octoober 2019
South Africa
1 Kings 1 vs 1-4
Title – The wrong Women.
David was old and stricken in age to the extent that he could no longer feel anymore.
A team went out to seek a woman for him and Abishagi a very beautiful woman, a virgin was brought to David so that she can make him feel warm. David because of old age could no longer do anything but sleep.
Abishagi went into the same blanket with the king but the king knew her not. She did not fulfil her duty as a woman because she did not receive the seed from the king, she did not come so that the king would have a family with her.. She was the wrong woman….
David knew ONLY Abigail as a wife, the people who sought for Abishagi were not sent by David which means they went out to preach yet were not on assignment.
They did not explain the exploits of the king they only exposed the weaknesses of the king.
The word being preached today is only exposing the weakness of the Lord Jesus Christ, people are being told to seed meaning the cross has failed to bring salvation to the people.