Key points in Malema at Blue Roof
– Respect Robert Mugabe’s last wishes do not violate them as they are enshrined in our African culture.
– The New dispensation must protect Mugabe’s legacy
– They can only be one Robert Mugabe
– Mugabe’s boldness inspired all of us when he was standing up to speak.
– When there was Military Intervention in 2017 we all called for calm because whenever there is army involved you have to assess the situation with caution otherwise more bloodshed may come.
– SADC, AU are all a gentleman’s club which doesn’t call each other out or correct one another they do not have a real commitment to see change in Africa.
– We call on all African leaders to prioritize the continent and make sure that we become equal with Europe, America, Asia, China
– African leaders must also develop their own country’s health facilities so that they don’t die outside of the continent.
– Young people must also take politics seriously because our African leaders have set a vision 2063 of which all of them won’t be around to take accountability but we will be still around to take responsibility.
– We must take politics seriously like developed nations they know how important a vote is yet in Africa you persuade people by giving them T Shirts to vote it must not be like that