The Prophet Speaks!
Prophets are misunderstood for a long time because there is no written theology of the ministry.
There are 5 types of prophets.
- Those who operate from the gift of prophecy –
These who prophesy from the gift perspective prophesy as the Spirit gives them utterance. These types of prophets operate seasonally.
- Those who prophesy as a ministry – Ephesians 4:11
These prophets minister for the perfecting of the saints. Saints are not perfect. Some are given different offices, amongst them we hear of the ministry of prophets.
Apostles touch every area of the body of Christ. Apostles can hold all the ministry folds – prophesy, evangelize, teach and pastor. They are there to provide coverage for all the ministries. Represented by the thumb!
The evangelists must go out and preach. The middle longer finger represents their ability to reach out. Pastors must love, and care for the flock. Represented by the ring finger. The teacher must help us understand. Represented by the last short finger. The index finger is for the prophets! These use wisdom and knowledge, they can deliver you.
- Prophets as Prophets – Those who operate as prophets
These are the ones that the Bible says behave as prophets but they are not.
- Prophets as an office—John, Jonah, Isaiah. They have one message.
These prophets come and deliver one word Jonah came to tell people to repent. Isaiah came to tell the world to return to God. John came to prepare the way of the Lord.
5 Prophets who are called – 2 Sam 1, 2, 3.
These are set apart and born to do the work of prophecy. They do not need to fast or prepare – they can just wake up and prophesy. Samuel and Elijah did not carry the message of salvation. The Prophet has a particular mission for which he is sanctified.
When you are in a prophetic ministry, know who the prophet is and what he brings on the table. Understand what his capacity is to solve the problem. God does not bring problems that cannot be solved to the prophet.
Scripture Reference: 1 Sam 16 verse 5, 1 Sam 16 Verse 8, Psalm 75:5
Jesse sanctified all his children, except for one – he felt that those were the ones worthy to be considered. When people want to achieve certain projects or programs – do they mention you? God looks at the heart. God does not consider height, but He considers the heart. God looks at the heart. The decision of a prophet is final on earth and in heaven. Samuel was on a mission to find the one he had to anoint. He was not the obvious or expected choice of Jesse the father.
“There is no problem that God can bring to my attention which I can’t handle, and there is no problem that God can make you go through which you can’t handle!”
“In this month of wayfarer angel I see you receiving promotion on your CVS, your business documents, I see you being chosen among many!”
“Anyone who is here today, I prophesy that there will be crazy promotions starting from tomorrow!”
The prophet of God has challenged his God to meet the needs of the saints that are here, under the influence of this anointing! The Prophet calls for those with documents to hold them up and we know that God is manifesting as Jireh in the house, Destinies are being changed, lives are being turned around!
God is moving in this place. Today the work of the prophet is to open the way. The Wayfarer message just got into the practical session – don’t just watch or read: connect!
“I don’t care if you don’t love me, my message is that you must love Jesus!”
“As I hold this key as a point of contact, anything that has been locked let it be opened in the name of Jesus!”
“Every person who has a project that is stuck and or is not fruitful, I declare it to open in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!”
“As you raise your phone, I declare it will ring in this week, bringing you your breakthrough, your miracle in the name of Jesus!”
“Father, we believe in miracles let a miracle happen to the people who believe in You in the name of Jesus.”
“I see good news coming to you through every document raised!”
“The Lord wants to raise you up today, He wants to single you out. People will know that God has raised you up!”
“God is raising you up and I am seeing it. I don’t care what people are saying but when you are on top you become a topic. If you are the head, you will become the headline. I believe the Lord has called you!”
“The Lord has singled you out in your family, to become the first billionaire in Jesus name!”