Themba Peter Mliswa was born in Zambia on 01 September 1971.
He is the second born in a family line of six siblings, three girls and three boys.
Primary. ..Zambia
Secondary : Lord Malvern School and St Faith’s Mission School in Manicaland Province
Town lived…Waterfalls Harare
Political career
Joined Zanu pf at an early age as a youth and became a plain spoken Zimbabwean politician and now the current Member of Parliament for Norton Constituency having won by-election on 30 July 2018 as an independent candidate. He is the former current Parliamentary Portfolio Chairman on Mines and Energy. As a member of the Zanu-PF Party he was the provincial chairman for Mashonaland West Province.
Mliswa was kicked out of Zanu pf by Mugabe after the challenged the party decisions
Mliswa has won the Norton parliament seat twice as an independent candidate
Clash with Nduna
Mliswa had a hard heated argument with Honorable Nduna earlier this year over the misuse of funds ,
Grilling Chombo
As Chairman of mines portfolio , Mliswa clashed with minister Chombo over claims of Chombos’ abuse of office